Our solution allows you to issue certificates, documents, contracts, titles, and more directly on the blockchain.
Pala Minter is a software platform that allows you to issue certificates, documents, contracts, titles, credentials, tickets, experience vouchers, and more, directly on the blockchain.
These digital containers (tokens) are unique and incorruptible, and you always know where to find them.
"They have the ability to store various elements such as videos, photos, documents, and any other data the organization requires, providing an auditable and verifiable medium for information."
Each entity has its own smart contract and assigns properties and behaviors to the tokens that best meet yours needs, such as who gets access, how, and when to transfer them, among other options.
The software features a simple, self-managed, and intuitive interface that requires no programming knowledge.
The digital certificates issued by Pala have properties that make them unique:
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